
Trekking Anello Azzurro Third stage Church of S. Giulio


and fountain

Church of S. Giulio
and fountain

The Oratory of San Giulio is located in the woods between the hamlet of Opagliolo and Punta di Casario. Here, for centuries, thousands of pilgrims went to visit the church dedicated to San Giulio, which, as the legend goes, stopped in this small valley to pray before going to the island sailing on his cloak to found the hundredth church. God.

Next to the church is the fountain with the miraculous water that according to popular tradition had the power to heal the sick, but also, if sprinkled with faith on the fields, to banish the drought as well as locusts and other harmful insects.

In 1573 and precisely on 12 June of that year, the oratory was visited by San Carlo Borromeo who personally wanted to ascertain the place and the miraculous fountain and transformed the small oratory into a church.

In 1702 the paved path leading from Opagliolo to the church was built. In front of the oratory there is a small portico that in the past was frescoed; internally the church has a single nave at the bottom of which is the altar surmounted by a fresco depicting the Madonna between Saints James and Philip .

Unfortunately in 1972 the church was in a state of semi-abandonment, but thanks to the intervention of the parish priest Don Giacomo Bagnati and to the local population, in 1984 the church was rearranged and restored thus returning to the ancient splendor.

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