
Trekking Anello Azzurro Third stage Madonna of Luzzara


Madonna of Luzzara

On the road from Gozzano to San Maurizio d'Opaglio stands the Oratory of the Madonna di Luzzara, dating back to the 12th century, according to some scholars, although the three apses could be dated to the 11th century. This type of building is not very common: other examples are found only in Switzerland, Holland and the Lower Rhine. The church has a single hall with a large presbytery and three oriented apses, one of which is larger and two are smaller. The façade is a hut and both inside and outside you can admire numerous frescoes dating from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, some of which have recently been restored. Externally stands a majestic St. Christopher, a San Giuliano, an Sant'Antonio Abate and a San Rocco in addition to the great Crucifixion that covers the triumphal arch. In the lunette above the entrance door stands an Annunciation and a Madonna enthroned with the Child .

On the roof stands a curious bell tower.

Behind the church a path leads off, leading down into the woods directly to the lake at Cascina Fara. Continuing along the path that runs along the lake, you can reach the hamlet of Pascolo by turning left or Buccione on the right.

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