


from Malcesine to Riva del Garda


Even in this last stage, the Great Tour of Garda does not fail to impress positively.

After an initial stretch on flat roads and on the lakefront, along which you reach Navene, you start going up decisively and constantly, until you reach an elevation of 1160 m, then you descend as much, down to Torbole, and finish in beauty, walking on the lakeside, up to Riva del Garda.

The difference in level of the route is inevitable, according to the various cartographic sources, since there are no reasonably practicable paths that pass at lower altitudes. On the other hand, the views from the various vantage points are truly aerial and spectacular.

From the port of Malcesine you walk north, through the narrow and picturesque streets of the historic center:




This leads you to the Piazza del Porto Vecchio, with its characteristic sculptures,


then you continue on Via Borre, towards the east,


to reach another square,


after which you turn left onto Via Castello,


to pass under the Castello Scaligero (Scaliger Castle), emblem of the town:

Castello Scaligero

You continue on Via Cerche,


you pass through the Porta Orientale, heading east, to cross the Gardesana regional road via an underpass:


So you take Via Navene Vecchia, and follow it, passing the Monte Baldo cable car station:


You follow Via Navene Vecchia for about 1200 m,


then turn left on Via San Marco:

Bivio sx

You walk on it for less than 1400 m,


with beautiful lake views,


walking among the olive groves,


until you meet again Via Navene Vecchia, heading north:

Bivio sx

After about 200 m, you turn left, soon going to intercept the Gardesana regional road, where you take the cycle-pedestrian path, to the right (north-east):

Bivio dx

You will soon find yourself walking along the lakefront:


At about 10 km as the crow flies, you can see the northern shore of the lake, including the characteristic Monte Brione, with its wide sloping top:


You pass the Fraglia Vela di Malcesine,


and a few hundred meters later, about 5400 m from the start, you arrive in Navene; you cross the main road and take the street that goes up to the center of the town, Via Santa Francesca:

e bivio dx


After about 150 m, at the end of the street, you turn left into Via di Mezzo,

Bivio sx, poi dx

and then immediately right, to take in the direction of path 6:


At the last houses, a dirt road branches off to the right:

dritti difficile, dx facile

If you go straight, you follow the more direct route, but with a more bumpy surface (in yellow on the map), while turning right, you take an easier path with a more regular surface and which climbs much more gently, in zigzags, and where the orientation offers less uncertainty (in green on the map). The drawback consists in an additional 1.4 km.

I you go straight, you go up and follow the same trail for just over a km, proceeding straight at each intersection or crossroads:


Incrocio dritti

slightly to the right here:

Bivio leggermente dx
poi leggermente sx


Until you meet a wide track, path 6, which you take in the left direction:

Bivio sx

Or, if you have opted for the easy variant, you naturally continue along the path.

The path climbs with a not too steep slope, almost constant, mainly in the north-east direction, but with many intermediate changes of direction, and occasional zigzags, according to the topography.




As you go up, the panoramas, where there is a gap in the vegetation, become wider and wider:

dal sentiero 6

The path continues to rise,


and at the crossroads for Bocca di Navene you continue straight:

Bivio dritti

Shortly after, you pass the shelter of Dosso Spirano,

Ricovero di Dosso Spirano

and shortly thereafter, after covering about 3 km of path, and having reached an altitude of 875 m, you reach Dosso Spirano, where you turn right:

Dosso Spirano

You continue along the path, which continues to rise,



with some more zigzags.

After less than 1200 m from Dosso Spirano you reach Dosso dei Roveri. A short detour to the left leads to the panoramic point, truly exceptional:


da Dosso dei Roveri

After returning to the path, you continue north-east, slightly uphill, always following the signpost 6, with indication for Prati di Nago:

Bivio leggermente dx
a sx per punto panoramico

About 700 m further on there is a slightly visible and unmarked crossroads, where you continue along the main track, still slightly uphill:

Bivio leggermente dx

After about another 600 m, you reach the maximum altitude of the route, 1160 m, and there is an evident crossroads, with no indications, where you take the left branch, called Strada del Bait della Selva:

Bivio leggermente sx

It is a forest road, which you follow for almost 2 km, flat or slightly downhill,


up to Dos del Mosca, where you turn right:

Dosso del Mosca
bivio dx

You follow the dirt road, a little downhill,

In cammino
nei pressi di Doss Casina

a little flat,


until it joins a paved road just under Dos Casina, a small relief dotted with telecommunication pylons.

You can enjoy beautiful views of the northern shore of the lake:


Now you can continue on the paved road, or take a series of shortcuts, as indicated below.

A few hundred meters after Dos Casina, there is a crossroads on the left with indications for Nago and Torbole; you leave the road to go down the path:

Bivio sx

Shortly after you pass Madonna del Faggio (bell to ring), proceed straight ahead, obliquely crossing a more evident track,

Incrocio dritti

then you cross a short and characteristic stretch between rocky walls,


until you find the asphalt road:


On the other side of the road you will find the path again:


Further on you intercept the road again, and you cross it, again,


and then once again.

Just over 300 m after the third crossing, at an altitude of about 430 m, you pass at a short distance from the road, continuing straight ahead::

Bivio sx

At an altitude of about 350 m, you pass alongside the Falesia di Nago, and avoid taking the track on the right that leads to the base of the walls:

Crossroads, straight ahead


At an altitude of about 250 m you reach the car park of the crag,

straight ahead

and continue straight, along the paved road,


up to the road junction, where you turn left:

Crossroads, left

You continue along the road, with a slight final ascent,


up to another crossroads where you turn right,

Crossroads, right

and immediately afterwards left:

Crossroads, left

You then take a concrete road, closed to traffic,

Crossroads, straight ahead

which gradually descends, with some beautiful views of the lake,


towards the Parco delle Busatte,


until you reach its parking lot, at an altitude of about 170 m:

a dx

You proceed straight, taking a path that avoids the road:


You intercept the road, but shortly after you leave it again,

Bivio dx

with beautiful views of Torbole,

Vista su Torbole
scendendo dal Parco delle Busatte

going down partly on a paved path, partly on a stairway:


You reach the lake level, turn right,

bivio dx e sx

then left, crossing the provincial road Gardesana, to take the lakefront in a north-west direction:


You go around a small port,


and continue on a footpath, skirting the lake,


bypassing another marina,


and crossing the bridge over the Sarca river:


Along the way you pass another bridge,


then the stretch begins, that goes alongside the road, and passes at the foot of Monte Brione:


Then you pass Forte San Nicolò,

Forte San Nicolò

the port of the same name,


another bridge,


until you reach and pass the Fraglia della Vela,


and then the Rocca di Riva:


Just a few more steps,


and you reach the port, and Piazza Tre Novembre, the arrival point:

Riva del Garda
Protagonisti all'arrivo

gb, 2020-02-15

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