


from Santa Maria Nuova to Offagna

Panorama su Santa Maria Nuova
dai pressi di Monti

Another beautiful stage of the TraversaMarche tour, through the gentle, green hills of the Vallesina, with a mix of roads and streets, paved and unpaved.

It starts from Santa Maria Nuova, crosses the hamlet of Monti, passes a short distance from the hamlet of Rustico, and reaches Polverigi, a small and charming village. We it crosses the depression that separates Polverigi from Offagna, the destination of the journey, a town renowned for its imposing and splendid fortress.


Go along Via Scarpara Alta northwards for about 50 m, turn right into Via Roma, and after about 300 m, at the junction with Via San Francesco, continue to the left along Via Roma:

Bivio sx

Santa Maria Nuova
verso il centro del paese

After about another 400 m, at the crossroads, continue straight along Via Matteotti:

Bivio dritti

About 300 m further on, after passing the Monument to the Fallen and the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova,

Monumento ai Caduti
e Chiesa di Sant'Antonio da Padova

you continue straight ahead along Corso Garibaldi,

Santa Maria Nuova
per le vie del centro

so you reach the small square in front of the City Hall:

Santa Maria Nuova
Palazzo del Comune

You exit the square to the north-east,

Santa Maria Nuova
Piazza Mazzini, sx

then descend for less than 100 m to a roundabout,

Rotonda dx
poi sx

beyond which you take Via Primo Maggio, down a staircase:

Santa Maria Nuova
imboccando Via Primo Maggio

After about 200 m, you will soon come to Viale della Repubblica, and take it to the left, towards the east:

Bivio sx

At the exit from Santa Maria Nuova, turning slightly to the left, you avoid Via Risorgimento, and continue along Via della Repubblica:

Bivio sx

In cammino
per Viale della Repubblica

Beautiful hillside views on the left:

dai pressi di Santa Maria Nuova

dai pressi di Santa Maria Nuova

Via della Repubblica continues as Via Querciabella. At the next junction, you turn slightly left into Via Fratelli Rosselli, heading north-east,

Bixio sx

which then turns eastwards as Via Monti, which has a sort of pedestrian and cycle track on its right:

In cammino
verso Monti

Continue straight on until you reach and pass the town of Monti:


Continue straight onto the SP 4, little or no traffic,

Bivio dritti

admiring the broad views:

dai pressi di Monti

dai pressi di Monti

The road continues as Via Rustico,

In cammino
sulla strada per Rustico

and still offers green visuals:

dalla strada per Rustico

At a wide curve to the right, which leads to Via Rustico to turn east, you leave it, turning left into Via Traversa,

Bivio sx

and shortly afterwards left again, on a country road:

Bivio sx

The little road, no longer paved, descends gently,

In cammino
verso Polverigi

between extensive fields:

dalla strada per Polverigi

About 1000 m after the previous turn, you take to the right,

Bivio dx

continuing between the green fields and a few rows of trees:

In cammino
verso Polverigi

Paesaggio collinare
lungo la strada per Polverigi

In cammino
verso Polverigi

Campi di grano
lungo la strada per Polverigi

At an intersection you continue straight,

Incrocio dritti

crossing the countryside again:

Paesaggio collinare
lungo la strada per Polverigi

In cammino
verso Polverigi

Polverigi can be viewed,

In cammino
in vista di Polverigi

you continue,

In cammino
 verso Polverigi

until the road merges into Via Baiana, and shortly after turn left,

Bivio sx

following the branch that heads north-east,

In cammino
in vista di Polverigi

until you reach Via dell'Industria, which you take to the right:

Bivio dx

Not far away, before a large roundabout, you turn off to a walkable track on the left,

verso il centro di Polverigi

and continue uphill through Via Brodolini,

verso il centro di Polverigi

Via Matteotti, and Via Vittorio Emanuele II, until you reach the center of Polverigi:


Going beyond the portal of the City Hall you enter a small oval-shaped road in the center of the town:

centro storico

centro storico e Palazzo del Comune

Continuing eastwards along Via Marconi, you exit the village, heading east, past the Tower of Piazza Ragnini,

Torre di Piazza Ragnini

and the Church of the Holy Sacrament:

Chiesa del SS Sacramento

You reach Via Circonvallazione, and a large roundabout, that you cross,

Rotonda dritti

to take Via della Perna right away, heading south-east:

Bivio dx

You can already see Offagna,

Panorama verso Offagna

while continuing along Via della Perna,

In cammino
verso Offagna

until the end,

In cammino
verso Offagna

where there are a couple of houses on the right:

In cammino
verso Offagna

Polverigi is now well behind:

Vista su Polverigi
dalla strada per Offagna

After passing the houses, take Via Polverigi, a country lane, initially downhill,

In cammino
verso Offagna

and continue on that,

In cammino
verso Offagna

down to the bottom of the valley, where a bridge allows you to pass a canal:

In cammino
 verso Offagna

The road, which heads east, bends to the south-south-east, and then turns left again towards the east, when it crosses another road. You continue uphill, along the valley, towards Offagna:

In cammino
verso Offagna

In cammino
verso Offagna

In cammino
verso Offagna

The panorama becomes wider as you rise:

dai pressi di Offagna

dai pressi di Offagna

On the outskirts of Offagna, Via Polverigi meets SP 6, where you turn right:

Bivio dx

Shortly after, you turn slightly right again, towards the historic center,

Bivio leggermente dx


salendo verso il centro storico

You go past the Church of Santa Lucia,

Chiesa di Santa Lucia

go up Via dell'Arengo,


until you reach Piazza del Comune,

La Rocca

and a little futther up Piazza del Maniero, at the base of the wonderful fortress:

La Rocca

Various panoramic points around the fortress offer a splendid panorama all around, with views towards Osimo,

Panorama da Offagna
verso Osimo


Panorama da Offagna
verso Montesicuro

Monte Conero, and Camerano.

Panorama da Offagna
verso Monte Conero e Camerano

You go back on your steps, turning right near the Church of Santa Lucia, to descend along Via dell'Arengo to a roundabout, where you proceed straight ahead for a short stretch of the SP 28,

Bivio dritti

before turning left, at a capital, by Via Pago:

Bivio sx

After 500m or slightly further, slightly downhill, you reach the B&B Il Punto Magico :

B&b Il Punto Magico
Via Pago 7 - 60020 Offagna AN


Offagna is well connected with Osimo by bus, so you have the opportunity to visit the fascinating village, especially the historic center, the walls, the caves, and the belvedere.

Consult the bus timetable on the ATMA website .

gb, 2019-05-31

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Fifth stage
from Santa Maria Nuova to Offagna
