


tour around the lake, from Molina di Ledro


Lake Ledro lies in a valley surrounded by mountains, and with its blue color and its beautiful shores, it offers a delightful scenery that strikes the soul of the visitor, even before his eyes.

From the shores of the lake you can see the surrounding mountains, including Mount Tremalzo, Mount Corno, Cima Cadria, Cima Parì and Cima d'Oro.

The tour proposed here starts from near Molina di Ledro, and follows a clockwise route.


From Riva del Garda, along the SS240 you drive to Molina, and shortly after the village, in the eastern part of the lake, you can find some parking.


You walk towards the south-west, skirting the Pilework Museum first, then the southern shore of the lake:


You continue for a stretch of paved road with little traffic:


This way you reach the beach of Pur:


You go on along a narrow road, in the north direction


always enjoying a striking view on the lake:


At a fork you go down on a dirt road:


to reach, after another fork and after a first bridge, the western shore of the lake:


You pass then the bridge over the creek Massangla, the main tributary of the lake:


So you reach the beach of Pieve di Ledro. There is ample parking possibility, and refreshment.

You continue along the lake:


going to the north shore, in an easterly direction:


So you get to Mezzolago, where you cross the street, going upstream (north), through the picturesque village, whose houses are decorated with small frescoes:


In the village you head east again:


At the town exit you pass aside the beautiful church, and continue in the green:


The trail then descends towards the road, crosses it, and continues along the shore:


This takes you to the north-east beach, with a wide park:


By going on, you finally reach the starting point.

gb, 2014-03-16

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