


via the Val Troncea, from Pattemouche

bosco rado

A really beautiful trip in the Alps of Pinerolo, relatively safe even after a heavy snowfall, easy (BS = good skier), also feasible with snowshoes.


You reach the resort Pattemouche (1605 m) turning left (signposted), just after Pragelato, on the state road that leads to Sestriere. You park near the cross-country ski plant


the farthest parking places are for free...


pista fondo fianco parcheggio

You follow the cross-country trail that leads into the Val Troncea, following the specific path

percorso scialp a fianco

indicated by signs for snowshoeing... until you reach a bridge

percorso a sinistra

that you cross, to move to the left margin of the valley (orographic right), aside of the stream that accompanies you

lungo il torrente

From there you soon come in sight of the deserted village of Laval

frazione Laval

il vallone a sinistra

and on your left appears the valley that you will have to climb on the left margin; you will come across a pole with directions


you go over Laval


and go up along the valley, through constant slopes and a sparse forest

la meta

verso la fine del bosco

until you come across an old decommissioned lift

vecchio impianto

now you are out of the woods, and your path turns right going in a southerly direction parallel to the ski lift. Your goal is in front of you, and by going through valley to the left (towards the east)

la meta

you get to the ridge that connects the Clot de la Soma to Mount Morefreddo, that has some ruins on its top

in vetta!



I chose to go down along the ridge, reaching through it the Clot de la Soma (see attached trace)

clot della soma

and then descended along the old ski slope, but you can also go down along the path forward.

discesa su vecchia pista!

fb, 2014-02-11

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Monte Morefreddo
via the Val Troncea, from Pattemouche
