


Intermediate trail, great for training!

Monte Summano
Obiettivo puntato a est, il Monte Summano (1296m) e le sue creste congedano lo sguardo dai monti e lo accompagnano verso le terre basse.

Leave the car in the parking place of Velo d'Astico (325m)'s church. Head to via Forno and later to track 465, which ventures in the woods.

Follow the track until Soglio Prasalbo (865m), a small towery rock where you can find remainings of WWI; a scout division reconstructed a wooden shelter under the rocks. A gallery leads to some windows where you can admire the town of ArsieroDente Austriaco mount and the rocks underneath Corbin Fort: these where the galleries that hosted the Italian troups during WWI.


Osservatorio Sailer
Aprile 1911 
IX Divisione - Gruppo Alpini Val Leogra, Rep. Zappatori

Take track 464 until you reach Passo Colletto Piccolo (902m) and turn west, on track 455, towards Rozzo Covole (1252m), until you reach the top of Monte Brazome (1286m).

Verso la val Leogra
Dal sentiero 455

From there take track 477 which descends again in the woods until a crossing point with track 466A: this is the most difficult part of the trail, very steep and across a creek which may be dangerous with snow. I suggest you not to roam these places in the winter unless you have good experience in orienting, feel confident despite snow on the ground and can evaluate risk reasonably.

The valley gradually becomes less steep, widens up until you reach the village of Maso (479m). From there you can reach Velo d'Astico (325m) following the road, in a few minutes.

ContrĂ¡ Maso

mn, 2016-03-03

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