


via the Cresta Cermenati, from Pian dei Resinelli


Beautiful hike on one of the iconic mountains in the area, easy enough to be feasible by everyone, and very scenic.


From Ballabio (LC) you drive uphill in the direction of Pian dei Resinelli, where you can find a wide parking lot.


You start walking initially in a north-east on a paved road, then going up with wide turns


until you reach the Refuge Porta:

Refuge Porta

From there, you take path n.7:


and keep going on that, ignoring a left fork to the Direttissima, then a right fork leading to the area of Magnaghi:



This leads you in view of the wide ridge saddle:


After reaching it, you turn right through a section that includes some chain, without particular difficulties:


So you reach the summit:


From the top, the view extends all around on many peaks, lakes and groups, including the Resegone, Lake Como, Mount Rosa in the distance, the Northern Grigna, etc:



Along the path forward.

gb, 2014-06-07

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