


per Vajo di Valdritta, da SP3

On the eastern side of Monte Baldo, there are limestone canyons, some of which deserve to be climbed, because over large areas they offer good rock, for an easy and pleasant climbing. It is a rather direct way to reach the ridge trail, and some of the peaks of Monte Baldo.

Here is described the Vajo di Valdritta, in conjunction with the ascent to Cima Valdritta, the highest summit of Monte Baldo.

At the beginning of the season it's likely to find snow in the canyon.


Along SP3, just north of the border between Trentino and Province of Verona, there are two places to park (see map).


From the southern pitch, head north on the road, or from the northern pitch, head to the south, until you reach the entrance of the canyon, protected by a railing:

Climb the vajo, that in the initial part is a bit full of debris, then cleaner. You find quite soon a little wall:

Continue rising on a alternating ground, sometimes with debris, often rocky, with frequent chances of pleasant climbing:

There are some forks: one at an altitude about 1750 m, where you turn right, another one at an altitude of about 1850 m, where you turn right again, then at an altitude of about 2000 m, where you turn left, and at an altitude of about 2100 m , where you take either left or right:

You will soon reach the ridge trail, that you take to the south. After passing a plate, soon you reach a junction with written directions on a rock, to Cima Valdritta.

Climb the obvious path to the summit:


Get back to the ridge trail, follow it south to the junction with route 66, take it left, downhill. After losing a large part of the elevation, you reach the junction with trail 652, which branches off to the left, downhill. This brings you to the pitch on SP3 in less than half an hour.

gb, 2013-06-17

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