


Altitude: 560 m

The village

Villamontagna is a small fraction of Trento located on Mount Calisio, about 5 km from the city. The suburb has undergone a sharp increase in population and to date over 1200 people live there. Its location is ideal: the place is the most illuminated by the sun throughout the province.
The area is part of Circoscrizione dell'Argentario.
Near Villamontagna there are the Cave di Pila, for the extraction of limestone, reddish in color, used to build the sidewalks of downtown Trento.

(source: wikipedia)


The country's history is linked to that of Trento: the first mention dates back to 1200 when the inhabitants were "servants" of the bishop of the city. In 1512 began civil autonomy: this led, a few decades later, to the construction of a church, consecrated November 6, 1583.
The town of Villamontagna was annexed to that of Cognola in 1900, and the latter to that of Trento twenty years later.

(source: wikipedia)

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