


from Rifugio Telegrafo, via Ferrata delle Taccole

This ferrata, short but challenging, is located on the north-west of the Vetta delle Buse. This description includes the departure from Rifugio Telegrafo, but you can reach it by climbing up to Monte Baldo from different starting points. You can see excellent views all around.

Author's note: I want to thank Roberto, who has shared this tour with me and appears in several pictures.


From Rifugio Telegrafo, you must move south along the ridge trail. You can do this in two ways: by crossing over the ridge to the east, or more directly going south along the trail variant that runs along the rocky side of the west slope, equipped with some cables.

Along the ridge trail, at a saddle, there is a plaque:

At that point, go down the scree on the west side:

After about 100 meters on the left you find the starting point of the ferrata, indicated by a plate:


You start climbing a vertical chimney:

At the end of the chimney, a short trail leads to a vertical wall crossed by a crack, along which the ferrata climbs up again, challenging but always well equipped:

At the top of the wall there is a terrace, where the third section of the ferrata begins, in a dihedral-chimney:

When you exit from the chimney, the difficulties are over, and you continue along the trail and sections of calble, up to the guest book.

From there, following the trail, you get to the top:


You take the trail to the south, to rejoin the path coming from the Rifugio Chierego. You descend towards the east, then go back to Rifugio Telegrafo, heading north on the ridge trail:

gb, 2013-06-17

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Vetta delle Buse
from Rifugio Telegrafo, via Ferrata delle Taccole
