
Trekking TraversaMarche Third stage


from Serra San Quirico to Cupramontana

verso Cupramontana

With its third stage, the TraversaMarche enters the Vallesina, and the predominant landscape becomes hilly.

You start from Serra San Quirico, walk for a stretch along the valley floor, on narrow roads, then go up the hill, on the hydrographic left of the valley of the Esinante torrent, go back down into the valley and finally go up the opposite side, up to Cupramontana, the point of arrival.

Two very interesting variants are presented, hereinafter referred to as the Abbey Variant and the Hermitage Variant. The first leads to the Abbey of Sant'Elena; the second leads to the Hermitage of the White Friars. An optional digression to the Sanctuary of Blessed Giovanni Righi is also described.

Towards Bruscara

You descend from the historic center of Serra San Quirico, passing through the Copertelle:

Serra San Quirico
scendendo per le Copertelle

Serra San Quirico
uscendo dalle Copertelle

Shortly after the arch that marks the exit, you turn sharply right, then cross another arch,

Serra San Quirico
uscendo dal centro storico

and after a few dozen meters you turn sharply left, taking Via Fratelli Rosselli downhill, to continue straight at the next intersection, taking a dead-end road:

Bivio sx
e incrocio dritti

Serra San Quirico
scendendo verso la stazione

You continue downhill, partly along the SP 14, partly along shortcuts closed to traffic, such as Via Filzi:

Bivio dx

A final road that deviates to the right from the provincial road

Bivio dx

leads to the railway station, located at about 1.4 km from the starting point:

Serra San Quirico stazione FS

You head to the north-east, along Via Clementina,

Serra San Quirico
verso il passaggio a livello

and 160 m further on, on the right, you cross the level crossing:

Bivio dx e passaggio a livello

You then proceed for 380 m, along Via Fratelli Bandiera, passing the last houses and a couple of warehouses, continuing straight at a crossroads,

Bivio dritti

until you reach the busy SS 76:

Bivio sx e sottopasso

You turn left, heading towards an underpass that allows you to pass beyond the road, and 100 m further on, as soon as you exit the underpass, you turn left:

In cammino
verso Bruscara

You follow the curve on the right of the dirt road, and after about 500 m you come across Strada Contrada Serralta, which you take to the left:

Bivio sx

You continue for 2.1 km, initially along a canal,

In cammino
verso Bruscara

up to the town of Bruscara, walking along Via Bruscara,


and reaching the intersection with Via Cesare Pavese, where you turn right:

Bruscara e bivio dx

If you want to visit the Abbey of St. Helena, 30 m later you turn left. Otherwise you follow the road for 700 m, after which you will find a crossroads where the abbey variant meets, and continue straight on.

Towards Sasso

You continue for another 1.4 km, following the curves of the road:
In cammino
verso Sasso

On the left, on the top of a hill, you can see Rosora:

Vista su Rosora
dalla strada verso Sasso

A small road bordered by a row of cypress trees branches off on the right;

Bivio dx

you take it and follow it for 350 m, passing the cemetery:

In cammino
verso Sasso

Looking back, beyond the green expanses of the surrounding countryside, you can still see the profile of Monte Murano in the distance:

Colline e Monte Murano
dalla strada verso Sasso

Then the small road re-joins the main road, you continue to the right, reaching the village of Sasso, 260 m further on,

e sx poi dx

where you pass the square,

chiesa e piazza

following the main road with a short "S".

Towards Cupramontana

About 300 m further on, at a crossroads, you keep left,

Bivio sx

and continue for another 700 m without deviating from the road, until you reach the town of Palombare, where at the crossroads you continue straight on:

Località Palombare
e incrocio dritto

Continue for another 1.1 km until you reach a crossroads where you keep left, following the road,

Bivio sinistra

and 190 m further on, before reaching the town of Castellaro, turn left, deviating from the road, following the signs for Fontegeloni, Contada Ammorto:

Bivio sinistra

You proceed downhill, now on a dirt road, for almost 900 m:

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

Near a farmhouse, the road bends to the left:

Casali e sx

You continue further for 2 km, while the profile of Cupramontana appears towards the north-east,

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

and you pass a couple of farmhouses:

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

You reach and cross the bridge over the Esinante, and continue for 340 m,


bypassing the Famar factory, then you cross the SP 9, taking Via Eremo della Romita:


After 260 m you will find a crossroads, where you have the opportunity to turn left, to head towards the Eremo dei Frati Bianchi:

Bivio dx

Otherwise, continue along the road, which leads towards Cupramontana, with a varied slope, sometimes pronounced, for 1.1 km:

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

In cammino
verso Cupramontana

You reach a crossroads, where you keep right,

Bivio leggermente destra

unless you want to take the detour to the Sanctuary of Blessed Giovanni Righi, in which case you turn hard left, and walk for about 250 m, reaching the sanctuary:

of Blessed Giovanni Righi

After the visit, you go back to Via Eremo della Romita, and head uphill, towards Cupramontana.

You continue slightly uphill for almost 700 m, reaching the outskirts of the village,

In cammino
alle porte di Cupramontana

where you turn right to take Viale Marche:

Bivio dx

You proceed for 560 m, going straight at the intersections, including the one with Via Lazio:

Bivio dritti
e ancora dritti

Then you leave Viale Marche to take Via Annibaldi, on the left at a crossroads:

Bivio sx

After 160 m you go straight across the intersection with Via Battisti:

Incrocio dritto

and 130 m further on, you turn left onto Via Bonanni,

Bivio sinistra

and after just 50 m you turn right into Via Matteotti, where you continue for 240 m until you reach the Palazzo del Comune:

Palazzo del Comune

Passing through the portal

Portale del Palazzo Comunale

you have access to the central Piazza IV Novembre:

Piazza IV Novembre

Variant of the Abbey

In Bruscara, 30 m after the right turn at the intersection between Via Bruscara and Via Pavese, you turn left, according to the signs for the Abbey of Sant'Elena:

Bivio dritto
o sinistra per Abbazia di Sant'Elena

You proceed straight for 950 m, on level ground,

Verso l'Abbazia di Sant'Elena

until you reach the abbey:

Abbazia di Snat'Elena

On the closed entrance door, there are instructions on how to ask to visit the interior:

Abbazia di Sant'Elena

Once the visit is over, you retrace your steps for 190 m, but at a crossroads you turn left, slightly uphill:

Bivio dritto
sinistra al ritorno dall'abbazia

After 320 m, you come across the standard route and take it again, turning left:

Bivio dritto
o sinistra se si viene dall'abbazia

Variant of the Hermitage

At the crossroads located 260 m after crossing the SP 9, you turn left, following the signs for the hermitage and the La Distesa farm; the road immediately curves to the right:

Bivio sinistra

You climb gently for 900 m, until you reach the hermitage:

Eremo dei Frati Bianchi

After the visit, you exit the hermitage area passing through the portal on its north side:

Portale nord dell'eremo

and follow the path called "blue route" for 600 m:

Sentiero dopo l'eremo

Then at the crossroads you turn right, and after another 90 m, you turn right again into Contrada Eremiti.

After 200 m, you ignore the road on the left and continue straight, and 480 m further on, you turn left, into Via Mandriole.

670 m further on you come across Via Garibaldi, and take it on the right.

After another 90 m you continue straight, along Viale Marche, on the standard route.

gb, 2019-06-13

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