


by Ferrata Fiamme Gialle, from Bastiani

Ferrata Fiamme Gialle

The Ferrata Fiamme Gialle to Palazza Alta, not to be confused with the homonymous ferrata to the Croda Granda, is a very interesting and worthwhile tour. Although not located at high altitude, it offers views of all respect.

The most challenging stretches, making it a difficult ferrata, are the start and the end, which can be bypassed, along variants. Overall it is a long route with a vertical drop of all respect, and challenging anyway. The arrival does not coincide with the departure point.

Author's Note: I thank my friend Daniele and my daughter Beatrice who have shared this journey with me and who appear in several photographs.


From the town of Cencenighe Agordino, drive to the small town of Bastiani, where you can park in one of the few places available.


From Bastiani, take the path 562, to the south-east, which immediately begins to climb in the woods. The path is initially wide:

A couple of forks shall not be missed: the first one before Ial de Canèt, where you turn left, the other one after Ial de le Pile, where you turn right, in both cases following the indication for the ferrata.

The path now rises steep and narrow:

Then the trail begins to cross over to the right, with some step on rocks with cables and then under some roofs of rock:

Finally you reach the fork that allows you to possibly avoid the initial stretch of ferrata, signposted variante facile, and shortly after you reach the start of the ferrata, after raising 500 vertical meters from the departure. The starting point of the ferrata is clearly marked:


The ferrata is challenging right from the start, and continues on an almost vertical rock, rising this way for about 100 m.

Then it continues with alternating stretches of rock, often challenging, and path through mountain pines:

You will reach this way a ledge at the base of the summit wall of Palazza Alta. Here you can turn right, along a path that avoids the final part of the ferrata.

Or you can face the final stretch, challenging and exposed:

Then you arrive at the summit, after climbing nearly 800 vertical meters from the starting point.

You can enjoy an impressive vertical view on Cencenighe and its small lake, but also remarkable views of the Marmolada, the Pale di San Lucano, the Civetta-Moiazza, and the Valley of Biois:


You take the trail that heads north-east, and then bends to the south-east and then north-east again, heading towards the pastures at the base of Torre Trieste:

After passing some private homes (Villino Venezia), you find the path 560 to Rifugio Vazzoler. From here, via path 555, you can reach Rifugio Capanna Trieste.

gb, 2012-08-10

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