


A spectacular trek which allows you to enjoy NE side of marvelous Latemar Group within a day.

Vista sul Bivacco Rigatti (2520m)
Il Bivacco M. Rigatti (2520m), incastonato sulla forcella grande visto dal versante sud dello Schenon.

The excursion starts from Medil (1363m), lovely and small village on top of Predazzo, following downwards the trail 517, through a woodland, until reaching the village of Forni. Then heads north, along trail 516 towards Cava delle Bore

It is advisable not to walk this trail in periods of heavy rain or similar phenomena

Malga Valsorda (1676m) is reached after a while. From here onwards it gets steeper, yet the most difficult parts are always equipped with metal ropes and stairs.

Malga Valsorda (1676m).
Vista su Malga Valsorda (1676m).

After that a clearing and Bivacco A. Seiff (2365m) are reached.

Pis dei Mus
Vista sui Pis dei Mus dal sentiero 516.Sentiero 516
Tratto attrezzato del sentiero 516.Bivacco A. Seiff (2365m)
L'accogliente Bivacco A. Seiff (2365m).

Heading then towards Forcella dei Campanili (2685m) and then taking trail 18, until Bivacco M. Rigatti (2520m) is reached.

Vista sul Bivacco Rigatti (2520m)
Il puntino rosso è il Bivacco M. Rigatti (2520m), dietro alle nuvole si vedrebbe il possente Latemarspitze (2791m).

From there it's about 1 and a half hour to Latemarspitze (2791m), the highest point of this excursion. 

Traccia 18
La ripida ascesa, la croce del Latemarspitze (2791m) sullo sfondo.

Always following trail 18Forcella Piccola (2526m) is reached.

Traccia 18
Tra i tratti più ostici della traccia 18.Forcella Piccola (2526m)
Vista su Forcella Piccola (2526m).

From here head south, along an unnumbered track that leads till Forcella Toac (2273m), where the trail 517 is once again reached to return to Medil (1363m) in about one hour and a half.

Forcella Toac (2273m)
Avvicinandosi a Forcella Toac (2273m), vista da NO.

mn, 2015-07-28

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