


from Bivacco Fiamme Gialle

Cima della Vezzana

You need no adjectives to describe the Cima della Vezzana, it is enough to say that it is the highest summit of the Group of the Pale, and from the top you can look around in all directions, as far as the eye can see.

Here is described the ascent from the bivouac Fiamme Gialle, which in turn can be reached by climbing along the Ferrata Bolver Lugli, or the Valle dei Cantoni; see the specific tours for details.

The climb from the bivouac is relatively short, but one should not underestimate the possible presence of snow on the trail, or the high altitude and therefore a potentially severe environment.

Author's Note: Many thanks to my friend Daniele and my son Andrea, who have shared with me this climb and who appear in several photographs.


From the bivouac, go down towards Passo del Travignolo, which separates the Cimon della Pala from the Cima della Vezzana. At the pass, there is a plate:

From there you can enjoy both the view towards Passo Rolle and Val Venegia, and the one towards the Valle dei Cantoni.

Climb up the steep southern slope of Vezzana, on a zig-zag trail:

You will reach quite quickly the pass that separates the Vezzana from the Nuvolo; continue along the trail, still on steep terrain, now on the east side:

Continue towards the top, typically crossing some snowfields, on a terrain that is not always steep. When you are near the summit, you can already guess the difference between the east side, tilted, and the west one, which plunges vertically:

So you get to the top, shortly after passing the fork to the bivouac Brunner.


Down to Passo del Travignolo, just follow back the path forward. To complete the return from there, see the routes related to the bivouac Fiamme Gialle.

gb, 2013-08-06

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