


by Ferrata Bolver Lugli, from Rifugio Colverde

Ferrata Bolver Lugli

This is certainly one of the most classic and beautiful ferrate in the Dolomites. Technically it is not one of the most difficult, but you should not underestimate the length, exposure and altitude.

While climbing up, the view over the valley below, San Martino di Castrozza and all around, becomes more and more spectacular. You can also enjoy beautiful views of the Pale, and some passages between steeples and pinnacles near the end:

Even the descent along the Valle dei Cantoni, which is suggested here, has its own charm, for the unique setting of the place.

Autor's note: I thank my friend Daniele and my sons Andrea and Beatrice, who have shared this journey with me, and who appear in several photographs.


You can use the parking lot adjacent to the lower station of the Colverde cableway, near San Martino di Castrozza.


From the refuge Colverde, take the path 712, which goes up through meadows and gravel:

You reach the junction with trail 706 and continue on this, continuing to go up towards the wall above. You will reach the plate that marks the start of the ferrata, at an altitude of about 2300 m:

The climb takes place first on a stretch of rocks, grade I and II, protected only by a length of occasional cable, for about 250 m in altitude:

Be careful to follow the red marks, in order not to deviate from the track. This way you will reach the actual starting point, from which the cable becomes almost continuous:


You go up following the cable, for an altitude raise of about 500 meters:

This ferrata is equipped only with a cable; the only exception is a short stretch in a chimney, that is also equipped with brackets:

Some steps are very exposed:

The climb is exciting, the view more and more spectacular:

Finally you climb along the right wall of a channel:

After exiting it, you go through the last stretch of ferrata:

Then, head towards the bivouac on the last stretch of trail:

and you will quickly reach the destination


Go down to the Passo del Travignolo:

Then go down the Valle dei Cantoni. After having descended about half of it, by looking back you will guess how long is the valley:

While looking down you can imagine how long there is still to go:

A sign warns against the wrong direction down:

The descent is on snowfields, stretches of rocks, with an occasional cable, and stretches of trail. At the bottom of the valley, turn right, going up on steep rocks, with some cables, and then more gently along a trail, towards Passo Bettega:

You cross it and go down the other side, then turn left, and avoiding to descend into the valley that leads directly to the Refuge Colverde. Then go up along the mountainside of Cima Corona, until you finally catch a glimpse of La Rosetta:

Continuing, you reach first the Rosetta mountain hut, then the upper station of the cableway, and with that you return to the starting point.

gb, 2013-08-06

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