


from Rifugio Rosetta or Rifugio Colverde

La Rosetta

It is a short and easy hike, if you use the lifts, or start directly from Rifugio Rosetta. Precisely for this reason, as well as the environment that surrounds it, this route is very popular.

From the top you can enjoy a wonderful view over a large part of the Pale di San Martino, and a breathtaking view of San Martino di Castrozza, located 1,200 meters below.


For the Colverde cableway you can use the parking lot adjacent to the lower station, near San Martino di Castrozza.

Route from Rifugio Colverde

Along path 701, go up in the direction of Rosetta, and at the junction with trail 20 go right, towards the upper station of the cableway. Or you can use the Rosetta cableway:

From the upper station of the cableway, an easy path leads to the top:

In about 30 minutes you can reach it.

Route from Rifugio Rosetta

From the Rifugio Rosetta you can already guess the path to the top:

Take trail 701 towards south:

At the junction with trail 20, continue on the latter. The trail passes near the upper station of the Rosetta cableway, and then continues as in the previous description.


Same trail.

gb, 2013-08-06

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