


from Rifugio Paludei

Vista dai pressi del Rifugio Casarota

This tour allows, as an alternative to the one from restaurant Sindech, to reach the Refuge Casarota along a longer and more varied path. It passes through the village of Frisanchi, continues through meadows, woods and mountainside trails to the refuge, with good panoramic views in various parts of the path.


Along the SP349, called Strada della Fricca, just upstream of Centa San Nicolò, a diversion with indication leads to the Refuge Paludei, which is just a few minutes away, and where there is a large yard for parking:


Take the path to the south-west, following the directions (do not follow those for the Rifugio Madonnina). You will soon reach, on paved road, the village of Frisanchi. A small church will confirm you are following the right path:

Cross the village and continue. The trail runs along meadows, a clearing, then goes into the woods, initially almost always wide:

You go through a good stretch in the forests of beech and conifers. At a stump, carved with clear indication, turn sharply to the right:

Now the path is narrower but still easy to follow. It goes up, more and more on the east mountainside:

In the last part the trail gains altitude with some zig-zag, and in a couple of places offering the assurance of a lanyard, although it never proves difficult.

Shortly after you reach your destination:

Rifugio Casarota

Thre you can enjoy beautiful views towards the plateau of Lavarone, the Piz de Levico, and farther away on the Ortigara Group:


Same trail.

Alternatively, you can go down to the restaurant Sindech (see specific itinerary), if you have means to return to the starting point.

gb, 2013-06-29

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