


Altitude: 641 m

The lake

The lake is located in a narrow valley, surrounded by hills, in an area devoted to the extraction of porphyry. The lake is 700 meters long, 225 wide and full of fish, and originates from one moraine barrier. You can swim in the lake, and there are some beaches. If you feel like, you can jump from a rock a few meters high, on the eastern shore of the lake.

(source: wikipedia)

The biotope of Lona-Lasés

Around the Lake is a biotope, extended for approximately 25 hectares, consisting of three main areas, separated from one another, and with different characteristics:

  • The marsh of Lases (also called "Palu dei Sfondroni"), with reeds and sedges. This area occupies the southern part of the lake and the old outlet of the lake. Here the habitat is frequented by several species of water birds.
  • The Val Fredda, with ice holes, where the ice persists throughout the year, due to the low temperatures during all seasons.
  • The Palu Redont, that is a small basin of circular shape, extremely mire, generated from glacial excavation. From a vegetal point of view, it is worthy of note the presence in the bog of the rare association Caricetum Lasiocarpae characterized by the presence of a thick layer of moss and muds.

(source: wikipedia)

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