


from Ortise

Parte alta del percorso dal parcheggio

Beautiful hike on cima Vegaia in the Group of Tremanesca, on the border between the upper Val di Sole and Val di Pejo.

The route is suitable both for skiing and snowshoeing, considered as relatively safe, even after a recent snowfall. However, the avalanche bulletin shall be consulted anyway, and snow conditions shall be carefully assessed, especially in the upper part of the route.


Go up the Val di Sole, past the village of Mezzana, and after about 2 Km turn left towards the village of Ortise. Follow the signs to Malga Pozze.

You can park right at the village, or along the sharp turn immediately after, or if road conditions allow you to go on, continue for about 1 more Km, and park near the next bend. The reported track departs from there.


You continue along the road until the driving ban, near a bend; from there you continue along the flat forest road that goes off to the left, cross a bridge and, after four turns, reach the limit of vegetation.

Lungo la salita

Here at the side of the trail is the beautiful Malga Pozze. From this point you can already have a glimpse at the ascent route to the summit.


It is possible to go up along the path you prefer, although the safest path (the one reported on the track) passes through the ridge that you see on the left and continues along the broad ridge to the summit (you can already see the cross).

As you gain altitude, the slope increases, up to the ramp that leads to the summit. There it is advisable to leave your skis and walk up.

Cima Vegaia

The peak offers a spectacular panorama of the highest peaks of Trentino (Vioz, San Matteo, Cevedale, Sternai, Tre Venezie, Brenta, Presanella) and over to the Dolomites of South Tyrol and Belluno, and if the day is clear up to the Austrian giants Grossvenediger and Grossglockner.

Linea di salita dalla cima


You go back along the same trail.

Primo tratto della discesa

After the bridge you find on the left a track going down, leading directly to the parking lot, thus avoiding some of the turns.

The reported track crosses the woods at some point, instead of following the forest road, but then rejoins it.

bd, 2014-01-25

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