


A route definitely bound to please lovers of grip climbing. In the middle section, in fact, it goes up for a good hundred meters of smooth slab, with rather distant bolts.

Openers Mario Brighente, Paola Bottegal, Giovanni Bogoni, Daniele Dal Cerè, Simone Gianesini
Difficulty III, IV, tratto di V
Length 325 m, for 8 rope-lengths

1st length

Go up sightly right for about 10 m, spit:

Go up obliquely right, tunnels with rope:

Traverse right, belay on double tunnel:

45 m, I and II

2nd length

Go up obliquely right, tunnels with rope:

Then straight, tunnels:

Second belay, double bolt:

45 m, II and III

3rd length

Go up obliquely right, tunnels:

The slightly oblique right, tunnels:

Then oblique left, bolts:

Belay, on double tunnel:

45 m, IV+

4th length

Go up straight, with distant bolts, up to the belay, on double bolts:

50 m, V-

5th length

Go up straight, with distant bolts, up to the belay, on double bolts:

55 m, V

6th length

Go up slightly right, bolts:

Go up straight, tunnels, up to the belay:

45 m, III

7th length

Traverse some meters left, cracks:

The up straight, towards the wall, bolts:

Jump over the wall and immediately find the belay, on double bolts:

45 m, III and IV

8th length

Traverse right, then up obliquely, tunnels:

Go up straight, or slightly right, tunnels:

Go up straight, tunnels:

After a short oblique right, you find the final belay on tunnel ad bolt:

40 m, IV

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