


up to the Doss Trento, together with Enrico Brizzi


This year, the Itinerant Story leads us on Doss Trento, a pleasant and verdant hill, easy to reach, with good views on the city of Trento.

As in previous editions, the writer Enrico Brizzi, president of the jury of Montagnav(v)entura, takes part in the walk, and involves us in a pleasant conversation along the way.

This and other aspects related to literature, travel, and mountain, make this walk a quite unique and special event. However, we publish the route also for the benefit of those who want to repeat it, due to its historic and scenic significance.


You can take advantage of one of the parkings at the Quartiere le Albere, or the nearby Monte Baldo Parking, but you can also start the tour at the Cableway of Sardagna, after parking your vehicle at the ex-SIT parking (see map).


On the 5th of May, in the morning, we meet at the ITAS headquarters:


After some greetings and presentations, we take the path through the park:


We turn right, towards the north, walking along the Lungadige:


We soon reach the lower station of the Sardagna cableway, where another party joins us:


We cross the Ponte San Lorenzo:


We reach the hamlet of Piedicastello:



Following the indications, we turn right, going up along a stairway that crosses a stone arch:


We continue going up, mainly along stone stairways:



We can admire some lovely view of the city:


At Piazza Perrucchetti, one of the moments of dialogue takes place. Here Enrico Brizzi, answering questions from the participants, tell us about some aspects of his life as a writer:


Also Tanis Rideout and Sofia Gallo, two winners of this year's ITAS price, share their point of view with us:


A few more steps and we reach the Mausoleum of Cesare Battisti:



First we have a little restoration:


Then we all go to listen to Francesca Sorrentino, who reads for us, with vibrant intensity, some literary passages by Francesco PetrarcaItalo Calvino, and Enrico Brizzi


We go back along the comfortable road:


A passage through the tunnel of Divisioni Alpine is rather suggestive:


After the descent, we reach Piazzale Divisioni Alpine:


We cross back Piedicastello and go back along the route forward, up to the ITAS headquarters, where various events are planned, involving the ITAS Prize, and the Montagnav(v)entura and Aquila Studens Prizes.

gb, 2015-05-05

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