
Trekking Anello Azzurro Third stage


from Pella to Legro

Oratorio S.Rocco

This itinerary is part of the route called Anello Azzurro , within the Girolago project. The track is signposted and marked.



Starting from the main square of Pella (Piazza Mario Motta) we head towards the parish church of Sant'Albino and continue turning left behind the church. We continue straight along Via Vignaccia, first on a paved road and then on a path.


We pass a small bridge and pass behind the houses until we reach, on our left in a lowered position, the cemetery and the church of San Filiberto.

San Filiberto

Following on paved road we continue to the right towards Lagna: after the purifier we turn left and cross the bridge passing between the houses, turning right and reaching the oratory of San Rocco. Now we turn left into via Fratelli Di Dio and continue on asphalt: soon the road turns into a dirt road, we turn left downhill and reach Lake Orta.

We walk along the lake until we reach on our right the road that goes up towards the church and the fountain of S. Giulio.

Chiesa di S.Giulio
e fontana

We always continue on a dirt road: near the restaurant, in the locality of Pascolo, the paved road starts again. We continue between the houses and after a slight climb we keep the left going down via Beltrami. Near a group of houses the road becomes a dirt road again and continuing on the right we will meet the deviation that will lead us, if we wish, to the church of the Madonna di Luzzara.

Madonna di Luzzara

After visiting the oratory, we retrace our steps and continue along the path, skirting the lake, until we reach Lido di Buccione. We turn to the right and go up via Fransisca: once we reach the regional road, we walk about 100 meters towards Gozzano and turn left towards Bolzano Novarese along via Mario Motta. Just before the level crossing we turn to the left in via Artogno and we continue first on asphalt and then on dirt going beyond the water source Barsanella.

At the end of the road we keep to the right and continue on asphalt to the base of the path that goes up to the castle of Buccione. If we wish we can climb along the path that leads to the Buccione tower.

Torre di Buccione

We reach the Novara-Domodossola railway bridge and turn left following the path that runs below the railway embankment.


We reach the village of Corconio, we turn to the right and we go up again to the church of Santo Stefano and then we take the cobblestones that start behind the oratory and that continuing for the so-called road of the Prisciola reaches the inhabited area of Legro first on dirt road and then on asphalt slightly downhill.

We continue to the station of Orta-Miasino, our point of arrival: if we wish we can make a visit to the small town characterized by numerous paintings on the facades of houses, dedicated to the world of cinema.

The return to Pella can take place, during the summer season, using a navigation boat on Lake Orta (check timetables and availability on The departure of the boats is at the main square of Orta (Piazza Motta) distant from Legro about 2 km.

fv, 2014-02-01

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