


from Limone sul Garda to Campione del Garda

Vista panoramica
verso nord

Another splendid stage of the Great Tour of Garda, which starts from Limone sul Garda, to reach Campione del Garda.

The route gradually climbs, from the starting point, rising up to about 400 m above sea level, passing through some pleasant villages, such as Bassanega and Ustecchio, with frequent and beautiful panoramic views of Lake Garda and the surrounding hills. After a passage in the suggestive Valle del Bondo, it reaches and goes beyond the beautiful hamlets of Tremosine, and after a nice stretch in the woods, it drops into a steep final descent towards Campione.

This last part of the path, although not presenting significant difficulties, has some stretches slightly exposed, equipped with a lanyard.


Starting from the parking lot at the new port of Limone, go up the long double curve of Lungolago Marconi,


until you reach the SS 45bis road. Go along it a little to the south, and then turn into Via Tamas,

Bivio dx

and walk it in all its length:


At the next crossroads, take slightly right, into Via Luigi Einaudi,

Bivio leggermente dx

continuing on it,


among green olive groves,

Verso Bassanega
camminando tra gli uliveti

and continuing on the same road even when it becomes Via Alessandro Volta:


When approaching Bassanega there is one of the many panoramic points of the route, which offers a very wide view over the northern part of the lake, towards Torbole and Monte Stivo,

Vista panoramica
Con Monte Stivo

and on the eastern shore, towards Malcesine and Monte Baldo:

punto panoramico

You continue, reaching the hamlet of Ustecchio,


and after passing it, you reach a crossroads with Via Prozzo, where you turn left:

Bivio sx

You proceed on a quiet road slightly downhill,


overlooking the villages of Priezzo and Sompriezzo:

Vista sui paesini
di Priezzo e Sompriezzo

After about 500 m, at a large reservoir on the left, take a crossroads to the right, thus leaving Via Prozzo:

Bivio dx

After about 200 m you also leave this road to take a path on the right:

Bivio dx


Thus you enter the suggestive Valle del Bondo,


going straight at an intermediate crossroads,

Bivio dritti

until you reach a picturesque cottage:

Angolo bucolico
nella Valle del Bondo

Shortly after, you cross the stream on a small bridge,


and go along the wide path on the other side of the valley:

lungo il sentiero 209

At the crossroads for Priezzo continue straight, towards Pieve di Tremosine,

Bivio dritti

then you join the SP 38 road, going along it to the left, for about fifty meters,

Bivio sx

and then leave it taking the dirt road on your right:

Bivio dx

You go ahead for about 500 m,


thus reaching the hamlet of Pieve in the municipality of Tremosine sul Garda:

Attraversando Tremosine
frazione Pieve

At the center of the town, at the crossroads, take slightly right onto Viale Europa,

bivio leggermente dx

and about 300 m later, turn left:

Bivio sx

You walk downhill, first among the olive groves,


then in the deciduous forest:


You pass a villa with a glimpse of Campione,


go on,


and near another villa, you take the trail that climbs to its right:

A destra

The trail climbs steep at first,


then flat,


until you come to a paved road, where you turn completely left, downhill:

Bivio tutto sx

After about 100 m, leave the road, to turn right, continuing straight ahead along the path:

Bivio dritti

From a panoramic point you can see Campione, and you can guess the depth of the narrow valley formed by the San Michele stream:


At a crossroads keep left:

Bivio sx

and go down in a zigzag:


You reach a stretch where the path has a slight exposure, and offers a cable to the most impressionable:

Lungo il sentiero 267
scendendo verso Campione del Garda

You proceed towards the bottom of the narrow valley:


A short ascent,


then another zigzag section goes down to a bridge, which you cross:


Then you turn left, following the signs for Campione. You then pass along some water conveyance systems, first alongside a canal,


then through an illuminated tunnel,


at whose exit you can enjoy an excellent view.

Panorama dal sentiero 267
sopra Campione del Garda

You go down along a path with stairs,


with a view on Campione:

su Campione del Garda

You continue downhill,


until you reach and cross the bridge over the San Michele stream,


so as to arrive in the central square of Campione del Garda:

Campione del Garda
Piazza Arrighini

gb, 2019-12-07

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Second stage
from Limone sul Garda to Campione del Garda
