


and Chaberton, wide ring traverse, from near Claviere

le piazzole dei cannoni

It is impressive to reach the summit of the Chaberton, a mountain overlooking the Val di Susa, and find the remains of the famous fortification on which six cannons were installed: the Chaberton Battery, that was destroyed shortly after the start of World War II. Vintage photos found on the web are just as impressive in giving an exact idea of the size of the fortification ...

We have chosen to get there by making a dual ascent and making a beautiful ring, that is going up first on the Rochers Charniers and then on the Chaberton. Nothing prevents to make two separate tours, appropriately using the attached track.


You get to Montgenevre (FR) coming from Cesana and just before the turn to the right following the signs for the "Village du Soleil" at a dirt road with poles and a barrier, where you can park


tabella alla partenza



You follow the narrow road that leads to the Vallon des Baisses



until you reach the lower station of a chair lift.


You continue along the main valley that points to the Col des Trois Freres Mineurs, that you will not reach because you will divert to the right

itinerario andata e ritorno

To your right is the ascent route to Chaberton (which you will do downhill). You climb up

si svolta sul canale di destra

and the slope gets narrower and narrower as you go up.

So you go uphill up to the summit of the Rochers-Charniers

salita al Rochers

quasi in vetta

in vetta

vetta larga del Rochers-Charniers

You can go down the same path forward or, as in the attached track, go down along the beautiful slopes facing north-east

si scende sul versante opposto

The next goal is right in front of you

la prossima vetta: Chaberton

la prossima vetta

The descent is fantastic

firn splendido

la discesa dalla Rochers

You put back the skins to go up towards the Col Chaberton

itinerario dalla discesa rochers

risalita al colle di chaberton

quasi al colle

il colle Chaberton e la vetta

After reaching the saddle

colle chaberton

the goal is clearly visible

verso la vetta

and the surprise of finding the remains of the Chaberton Battery is impressive

in vetta

The views are wonderful

dalla vetta


You go back down to the saddle and then back to the Vallon des Baisses reaching the chairlift that you met on your way up.

fb, 2014-04-06

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