


1097 m

Monte Calisio rises above the villages of Martignano, Cognola, Villamontagna, Civezzano, Gardolo and Melta Gardolo, all suburbs of Trento.
In 15 BC was General Drusus built the Via Claudia Augusta, which allowed the connection to Augsburg. It went where there are now the towns of Meano, Martignano and Cognola and sometimes overlaps the trails.
The mountain used to house a major silver mine (hence the second name Argentario) which provided the silver to the Tyrol and in particular to the brand of Merano. For this reason, Europe's oldest mining code was written in Trento in 1207 by Prince Bishop Federico Vanga.

(source: wikipedia)

Several trails and some climbing walls are among the proposals of trekking-etc about this mountain.

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